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  By Azqiya, Yayu, Tiara, Amelia, Irsyad, Firman Waste is the remains of daily human activities and / or natural processes in solid form; waste often refers to leftover material that is unwanted or not useful for humans after the end of a domestic activity or process. The garbage is divided into three sections of inorganic , inorganic garbage and dangerous and toxic material, organic waste is natural waste that decomposes without the process of human hands, organic garbage is waste produced from non biological materials. both synthetic product and mining processes . The following is the cause of the large amount of rubbish at SMAN 1 CIKALONG WETAN. Lack of awareness among the students of SMAN 1 CIKALONG WETAN regarding rubbish is still lacking, many students of SMAN 1 CIKALONG WETAN violate the rules even though there are many rubbish bins provided by the school so that students throw their rubbish in the right place, but there are still many who break them.  The cause of rubbish pilin


  By Rizka, Sulis, Dela, Robi, Salman, Haikal Waste is the remaining product or item that is no longer used. There are 3 ways or methods to manage waste namely reducing, reusing and recycling plastic here will discuss about recycling the plastic bottle waste, recycling plastic bottle is very beneficial and has many positive impacts. Although some students actively participate in this practice, there are still many students who  cannot or refuse to recycle plastic bottles. The following is the impacts of recycling of bottle waste for our life From our interviews and research, several positive and negative impacts of recycling plastic bottle waste have been identified, such as air pollution, where certain methods of recycling plastic bottles can harm air quality. Recycling bottle waste can impact the quality of the product itself. Poor and inadequate management during production stages can result in low-quality products. Recycling plastic bottle waste also leads to an increase in the qua


  By Novi, Sinta, Verga, Saskia, Revan, Ruben, Elya Exercise is one of the essential activities that maintain physical and spiritual health. Exercise can help increase the strength, durability, agility, and flexibility of the body. Additionally, exercise can also help to boost the mood, reduce stress, and improve the quality of sleep. By regularly exercising, we can care for our physical and spiritual health, so that we can live healthier and happier lives.  Exercise is one of the essential activities that maintain physical and spiritual health. Exercise can help increase the strength, durability, agility, and flexibility of the body. Additionally, exercise can also help to boost the mood, reduce stress, and improve the quality of sleep. By regularly exercising, we can care for our physical and spiritual health, so that we can live healthier and happier lives.  To avoid getting sick by living on nutritious food, in addition to eating nutritious foods, we also need regular exercise to k


  By Gendis, Syeftiya, Iskardina, Silva, Melisa, Dini Water is something that is needed by all living creatures. Clean water can be used for everyday life such as for drinking, bathing, washing clothes and so on. Apart from clean water, there is also dirty water. Dirty water Is water that looks cloudy and smells and cannot be used for daily needs, such as stagnant rainwater. Here are the Impacts of dirty water on our health.  First, the impact of dirty water is a source of disease. Dirty water contains a lot of bacteria and germs in it, making the water very polluted and unhealthy. So, dirty water is the source of all diseases, and it disrupts our health because there is no clean water.  Second, The lack of clean water is caused by rubbish accumulating in water sources. This causes local communities to experience a lack of clean water and they have difficulty carrying out daily activities.  Third, Dirty water contains mosquito larvae, mosquito larvae arise because of dirty water, over


  By Isma, Raka, Januar, Nurul, Faisal, Rizal, Pajril Waste is the remains of daily human activities or natural processes in solid or semi-solid form in the form of biodegradable or non-degradable organic or inorganic substances which are considered no longer useful or According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), waste is something that is not used, not used, not liked or something that is thrown away that comes from human activities and does not happen by itself. The following is a solution to reduce the increasing waste. First, bring a bottle or tumbler from home to reduce plastic waste, because it can enhance health protection for students. For at least by tumbler, the consumption of water a student needs can be fulfilled, and it is assured that the student has a sound, safe source of water. Second, recycling recyclable waste such as plastic, because it reduces the amount of waste that has to be thrown into the final dump. Third, do not use disposable cutlery,