By Riska, Seli, Yayuni, Fauzi, Alin
Environmental disintegration by litter can seriously affect ecosystems and human health. Mismanaged garbage can
pollute air, water and soil. Threatening the sustainability of natural resources. Additionally, untreated plastic waste
can create long-term Problems, damaging Marine life and land creatures. Effective conservation and Waste
Management are needed to preserve the sustainability of the environment.
Through school garbage management, students can be taught the importance of Preserving the environment and
how to manage garbage properly. It created an environmental awareness Carly on.
By adopting efficient recycling systems and waste management, schools can help reduce the negative effects on
the environment. Indiscriminate waste can pollute water, soil, and air.
Good waste management Practices also help In the conservation of natural resources. By recycling renewable
materials. We can reduce the limited use of natural resources.
By having an efficient garbage management System, schools can reduce the cost associated with garbage and can
help save operating costs.
Engaging Students LA waste conversion and management helps instill the values of Responsibility and sustainability
among the younger generation.
This School garbage management and waste conservation not only affect the environment but also shape
environmental liability and awareness behavioral for future generations.
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